

Skill Lake provides Reports for Mentors (users with Mentoring privileges) within the “Mentor” tab to assist them in efficiently monitoring the progress made by their learners. 

The Reports section is divided into four subsections: Learners, Self-paced Courses, Instructor-led Courses, and Reporting Line. These reports assist mentors in efficiently monitoring learner progress and course engagement.


In the Learners tab, the mentors can view 2 reports: – the Enrollment summary report and the report on the past 7 days of activity of the learners assigned to them.

Learners enrollment summary

Click on the Summary menu to view the summary of course enrollments for each learner. The mentors can view the name, organizational group, reporting manager, count of courses enrolled, completed courses and journal entries, last entry date and the last login date of the learner. Also, the count of learners, mentors, and course assignments are displayed. 

You can filter the data by any of the report columns, learner name, group name, reporting manager name, count of enrolled courses, completed courses, journal entries received, date of the last login and date on which they received their last journal entry. 

Click the Export button to export the learner enrollment summary in Excel format. You can communicate with your learners using the email ids you get while exporting the report to Excel.

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  • Click on the Filter icon to search the learner enrollment summary report based on the learner’s organizational group and reporting manager.
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Learner’s past 7 days’ activity

Click the Activity menu to track your learners’ activities in the past seven days. The mentors can view the learner’s name, organizational group, course accessed, percentage of completion, and last access date of the course.

You can filter the report by any of the columns, such as learner name, group name, course name, percentage of completion, and last accessed date. 

Click the Export button to export the learner’s past activity in Excel format. You can communicate with your learners using the email IDs you get while exporting the report to Excel.

Note: A notification email will be sent to the mentors with a summarizing their learners’ learning activities in the past week.

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Self-paced Courses

In the Self-paced Courses menu, the mentors can view 2 reports – the Enrollment summary and the report on learner enrollments for a specific course. 

Enrollment summary of the self-paced courses

Click on the Summary menu to view the enrollment summary of the self-paced courses. The mentors can view the course name, category, count of courses completed, in progress, yet to start status, and total courses enrolled. Also, the total count of self-paced courses created in Skill Lake will be displayed.

You can filter the course enrollment summary report using the filters, course name, course category, count of completed, in-progress, yet to start, and total courses enrolled. Click the Export button to export the course enrollment summary in Excel format.

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  • Click on Filter to search the course summary report based on the category, and level of the courses in which learners are enrolled.
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Learner enrollment for self-paced courses

Click on the Learners menu to track the learner enrollments for a particular course. In the Learners report, the mentors can select a specific self-paced course and view the list of learners enrolled in the courses along with their enrollment details and learning progress. Click the Export button to export the learner enrollments for the courses in Excel format.

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  • Click on the Filter to filter the report based on the group, status, learning activity, and period of the courses.
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Instructor-led Courses

In the Instructor-led Courses menu, the mentors can view 2 reports – the Batch Enrollment summary and the report on learner enrollments for a specific instructor-led course.

Enrollment summary of the instructor-led course batches

Click on the Batch Summary menu to view the enrollment summary of the instructor-led course batches. The mentors can view the name of the batch, course name, start date, end date, batch status, and total course enrollments. Also, the count of the total number of batches and total enrollments will be displayed.

You can filter the batch enrollment summary report using the filters batch name, course name, start date, end date, batch status, and count of course enrollments. Click the Export button to export the batch enrollment summary in Excel format.

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  • Click on Filter to filter the batch enrollment summary report based on the category and level of the courses in which learners are enrolled.
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Learner’s enrollment for  instructor-led courses

Click on the Learners menu to track the learner enrollments for a particular instructor-led course. The mentors can view the learner’s name, the organizational group, who enrolled them in the course, the enrolled date, course status, progress percentage, count of tests passed, and the course’s last viewed date.

You can filter the report using the filters, learner name, organizational group, enrolled by the user, enrolled date, course status, progress percentage, count of tests passed, and course last viewed date. Click the Export button to export the learner’s enrollments in Excel format.

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  • Click on the Filter to filter the report based on the group, status, learning activity, and period of the courses.
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Reporting Line
A reporting line, also known as a reporting hierarchy, refers to the organizational structure that outlines the flow of authority, responsibility, and communication within a company. It specifies the direct line of supervision and accountability from one position or individual to another, indicating who reports to whom in a hierarchical manner. It is the people involved in mentoring/guiding the learners. It includes the learner’s mentors, reporting manager, and reporting manager’s reporting manager.

Reporting line summary

Click on the Summary menu to view the summary of the reporting authorities for the learners. The mentors can view the name, organizational group, reporting manager, count of courses enrolled, completed courses and journal entries, last entry date and the last login date of the learner.

You can filter the data by any of the report columns, learner name, group name, reporting manager name, count of enrolled courses, completed courses, journal entries received, date of the last login and date on which they received their last journal entry.

Click the Export button to export the reporting line summary in Excel format.

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