
Creating Learning Path

A learning path is a collection of resources, including courses and activities, that the learners can use to systematically enhance their knowledge in specific areas. Designing an effective learning path requires careful planning to ensure that learners can efficiently and meaningfully achieve their learning goals.

Creating a learning path

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  • Navigate to Manage > Learning path and click on the Create learning path button to create a learning path. 
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Path Information

In the ‘Path Information’ section:

  • Enter the learning path title and description
  • Select the category, sub-category, level, and learning path image
  • Click on the Save button

Path Settings

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Path Settings helps you to configure the:

  • Search tags or Topics to which the learning path is related to (tags based on which the learning path can be searched)
  • Author(s) or Contributor(s) (external or internal authors) are entered to acknowledge their contributions and give them due credit.
  • Path owner(s) (path owner can manage the learning path provided he/she has the required roles and permissions)
  • Who can see this learning path (groups/learning groups/sub-groups to which this learning path is available). Learning Path will be available for the members of the selected groups, learning groups and their subgroups.

Including Certificate to a learning path

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  • Choose the Yes option adjacent to ‘This learning path offers a certificate’. 
  • Click on the below icon to select the certificate template for the learning path from the available templates. Refer to the article Managing Certificates
  • The learner will be issued a certificate for  successfully completing the learning path. 
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  • Click on the Done button to save the changes made.
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  • Click on the Cancel button to cancel the learning path settings. 
  • Click on the Previous button. A confirmation message appears, and you may click on the Confirm button to go to the Path Information section.
  • Click on the Save button to save the path settings. 
  • Click on the Next button to configure the courses and activities for this learning path.

Path Structure

It is possible to add courses and activities to the learning path.

Adding Courses to the Learning path

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Click on the Add course icon to add a course to the learning path.

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  • Select the course (self-paced courses accessible to the group/subgroup the learner belongs to), toggle the ‘Has prerequisite’ option (if the learner has to complete the previous learning item before accessing this item), and expected number of days to complete the course. 
  • Click on the Save button to add the course to the learning path. 
  • The items added will be displayed in the ‘Edit Learning path’ page.
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  • The learning path items added will be displayed here. 
  • To add more items, click the Add item icon and select ‘Activity’ or ‘Course’ options.
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Adding Activity to the Learning path

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  • In the ‘Add activity’ pop-up, enter the title, description, toggle the ‘Has prerequisite’ option (if the previous learning item has to be completed before accessing this item), and the expected number of days to complete the activity. 
  • Click on the Save button to add the activity to the learning path.
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  • The learning items added to the learning path will be listed in the order in which they were added. 
  • You may click on the Edit icon to edit the learning item. 
  • To delete the learning items, click on the Delete icon. 
  • Click on the Drag and Move icon to change the listing order of the learning items.

Previewing the Learning path

At any point, while creating the learning path, you can click on the “Preview” button to check the learner view of the learning items or learning path summary that has been added.

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  • You can view the learning path name, related tags, description, learning path summary and learning path items. 
  • The learning path summary displays the count of courses and activities included, category & subcategory, related topics, level, and approximate number of days to complete the learning path.
  • The Items section displays the courses and activities, the approximate number of days required to complete and the lock icon which displays that the previous learning item needs to be completed before consuming this one.
  • Click the Back to editing button to continue editing the learning path items.

Publishing the Learning path

Click on the Publish button to publish the learning path when you are done. A confirmation message appears, where you have to click on the Publish button to confirm publishing of the learning path. The published courses will be listed in the Manage > Learning Path.

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  • You can click on the Preview icon to preview the learning path. 
  • To edit the learning path, click on the Edit icon.
  • Click on the Settings icon and click
    • ‘Unpublish’ option to unpublish this learning path.
    • ‘Duplicate’ to make a duplicate copy of this learning path. 
    • ‘Archive’ option to archive this learning path. 
    • ‘Delete’ option to delete this learning path.
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