Managing Users
In Skill Lake, Administrators (users with Administrative privileges) can add and edit the employees, non-employees, groups, learning groups, and job titles for the organization. You can also define the knowledge areas in which the learners need to be skilled to excel in their performance. Click on the Administration tab and select the Manage Users section on the left side of the page. In the independent installations of Skill Lake, Administrators will have permission to add new users to the system.
Note: For the Skill Lake installations integrated through InfinCE, the users created through InfinCE will be displayed in the Employees and Non employees page.
Organization users are the individuals within an organization who interact with the Application to facilitate or participate in learning activities. Click on the Employees option to view the list of users of Skill Lake.

Adding an employee
Click on the Add user button to add the user profile. You can add the first name, last name, email address, primary group to which the user belongs, job title (job titles available for the groups the user is assigned in the ‘belongs to’), reporting manager, role, learning group to which the user is added, groups managed by the user (under the “Manages” field), mentors (users mentoring the user), expertise tags, profile summary and click on the Save & finish button.
- The user profile created will be displayed in the Employees page.
- Click on the Filter icon to filter the users based on their reporting manager, groups, expertise tags, roles, status, and click on the Apply button.
- The filtered entries will be displayed in the Employees page.
- Click on the employee name to view the profile details, learning journal, learning journey, knowledge area overview, learning overview, and recent achievements of the employee.
Editing employee profile
Click on the Edit icon to edit the employee profile. The first name, last name, profile picture, email address, belongs to (primary group to which the user belongs to), job title, reporting manager, role, learning groups, manages (group/sub group the employee manager), mentors (learners which the employee mentors), expertise tags, and profile summary will be displayed based on the entries made in the ‘Users’ page through InfinCE. You can edit these fields and enter the job title (under the selected group), learning groups, groups managed by the user (under the “Manages” field), mentors, expertise tags, profile summary and click on the Save button.
- The group/parent group administrators (users with Administrative privileges) can edit the user’s profile information and enroll the user to courses.
- For the Skill Lake installations integrated through InfinCE, while editing the profile, ‘Belongs to’ field will be displayed from InfinCE.
- The edits made to your profile will be displayed on the Employees page.
Deactivate the employee
- Click on the Settings icon against the employee and Deactivate option.
- A confirmation message will appear, where you may click on the Yes button to deactivate the employee.
- Once the employee is inactive, their access to Skill Lake and the email and push notifications will be blocked.
- To activate the employee, click on the Settings icon against the employee and Activate option.
- A confirmation message will appear, where you may click on the Yes button to activate the employee.
Non employees
The users outside Skill Lake who do not belong to any organizational group/sub group will be displayed in this page. You can view the member name, belongs to, role, reporting manager, status and actions that can be performed.
- Click on the user name or View icon to view the non-employee profile.
- Click on the Edit icon to edit the non-employee profile
- Click on the Settings icon and the Deactivate option to deactivate the non-employee.
- To delete the non-employee, click on the Settings icon and the Delete option.
Click on the Groups option to view the groups that the user can manage. In the Groups page, you can view ‘Organization’, if the user has access to manage all the groups created under the Organization. You can view the name, parent group, count of sub-groups created and admins assigned for the group.
- During user creation, if a user is assigned to manage ‘Group A’ (have tagged ‘Group A’ in the ‘Manages’ field), then the user can view only Group A and its child groups (if any) in the Groups page.
- The user can manage Group A based on the roles and permissions he is assigned to (role assigned in the ‘Role’ field).
- For the Skill Lake installations integrated through InfinCE, the groups created through InfinCE will be displayed in the Groups page.
- Click on the Organization to view all the groups created under it.
- You can view the profile picture, group admins, child groups created under the organization, members of the organization, and courses to which everyone in the organization is enrolled into.
- The ‘Department’ tab displays all the groups (it may be an organizational level/business unit/location/region/zone/department/sub department) created under the Organization.
- You can view the group name, count of sub-groups created, parent group and group admins of the group.
- Click on any group under the ‘Department’ tab to view the group admins, profile picture, group members, courses and learning paths enrolled to the department (and organization).
- Click on the member’s name to view his profile and on the ‘Edit’ icon to edit the user profile.
- The Course enrollments tab displays the courses to which everyone in the respective group (and organization) is enrolled into. The user can assign courses, unenroll users from the course and update course assignment settings.
- The Learning path enrollments tab displays the learning paths enrolled to the members of the department. The user can assign learning paths, unenroll users from the learning path and update learning path assignment settings.
- Click on the Members tab to view the members of the department.
- You can view the name, belongs to department, role, reporting manager, mentors and actions.
- Click on the member’s name to view his profile and on the ‘Edit’ icon to edit the user profile.
Course Enrollments
- The Course Enrollments tab displays the courses to which everyone in the respective group is enrolled into.
- Click on the Assign courses button to open the Select courses pop-up.
- You can select the required courses you want to assign to the group and click the Assign button.
Note: The courses for which you have selected this group in the ‘who can see this course’ (Manage courses > course > course settings) will be available for selection.
- The course assignment settings pop-up appears, where you can enroll the courses for existing members, future members and existing & future members.
- Enter the expected number of days to complete the course, tick the deadline mandatory or course mandatory options.
- Click on the Done button to save the course assignment settings
- The assigned courses will be displayed in the Course enrollments tab.
- The course name, enrolled by, duration (in days), is mandatory, auto enroll and actions.
- You may click on the Unenroll icon to unenroll the group from the course.
- Click on the Settings icon to edit the course enrollment settings.
Learning path enrollments
- Click on Assign Learning path button to assign a learning path to this group.
- You may select the required learning paths you want to assign to the group and click the Assign button.
Note: The learning paths for which you have selected this group in the ‘who can see this learning path’ (Manage courses > learning path > path settings) will be available for selection.
- The learning path assignment settings pop-up appears, where you can enroll the learning paths for existing members, future members and existing & future members.
- Enter the expected number of days to finish the learning, tick the learning path mandatory options.
- Click on the Done button to save the learning path assignment settings.
- The assigned learning paths will be displayed in the Learning path enrollments tab.
- The learning path name, enrolled by, duration (in days), is mandatory, auto enroll and actions.
- You may click on the Unenroll icon to unenroll the group from the learning path.
- Click on the Settings icon to edit the learning path enrollment settings.
Learning Groups
The purpose of learning groups is to foster a collaborative and supportive atmosphere, where members can exchange ideas, discuss concepts, and collectively enhance their understanding of a particular subject or skill. Click on the Learning Groups option to create new learning groups and add new members to the learning groups.
Adding a Learning Group
- Click on the Add Learning Group button to create a new learning group.
- Enter the learning group name, learning group admin, image of the learning group and click on the Save button.
- The learning groups created will be listed in the Learning groups page.
- You can view the learning group details such as name, learning group head, number of members in the learning group, and actions.
- You can search the learning groups with their name using the Search option.
- Click on the learning group name to view the members, course enrollments and learning path enrollments.
Adding members to the learning group
- In the Members tab, you can add members to the learning group. You can view the member name, reporting manager, mentors and actions that can be performed.
- Click on the Add member button to add new members to the learning group. Select the users and click on the Add to learning group button.
- The members added will be displayed in the ‘Members’ tab.
Editing learning group
- Click on the Edit icon to edit the learning group details. You can edit the learning group name, learning group admin, learning group image and click on the Save button.
Editing member profile details
- You can click on the Edit icon to edit the member profile details. Click on the member to view the profile. Click on the Remove icon to remove the member from the learning group
Assigning courses to the learning group
- Click on the Course Enrollments tab to view the courses assigned to the learning group.
- Click on the Assign courses button to assign courses to the learning group.
- After selecting the required courses, click on the Assign button to assign the selected course to the learning group. The Course assignment settings pop-up appears where you can configure the course assignment settings for the courses assigned to the group.
Job titles
A job title is a label that conveys a person’s role, responsibilities, and level within an organization. It provides a quick overview of the position and helps define an individual’s professional identity within a workplace. Job titles are essential for organizational structure, clarity in communication, and understanding of roles and hierarchies.
Click on the Job titles option to add/edit the job titles for the organization. The Job titles page displays the job code, job title, belongs to department, count of users in this job title and actions that can be performed.
Adding a job title
- Click on the Add job title button to add the new job titles in your organization.
- Enter the job title, description, select the departments and click on the Save button.
Note: System-generated job title code will be displayed by default.
Assigning knowledge areas to the job title
Administrators (users with Administrative privileges) can assign knowledge areas to job titles and set the required level.
- Click on the Assign knowledge areas button to assign knowledge areas and the required levels for this job title.
- The knowledge areas created for the job title’s group will be listed. Tick the required knowledge areas, select the required level, and click the Assign button.
- In case you do not have the required knowledge area that has to be tagged to the job title, you can create a knowledge area from the Job Title page and set the required level.
- Click on the Change required level icon to update the level of competence for this job title.
- Click on the Remove icon to remove the knowledge area from the job title.
- A confirmation message will appear, where you may click on the Yes, remove button to remove the knowledge area from the job title.
- Click on the Edit icon to edit the job title details and click Save.
- The edited job title details will be displayed in the Job titles page.
Knowledge Areas
A knowledge area refers to a field of expertise that encompasses related information, skills, and understanding. It represents a focused area of knowledge within a broader subject or discipline, helping to organize and categorize information for effective learning, problem-solving, or professional specialization. Click on the Knowledge Areas menu to manage the knowledge areas defined for various job titles.
Adding Knowledge area
- Click on the Add knowledge area button to add a new knowledge area.
- Enter the knowledge area title, knowledge area tags (helpful for identifying the required skills), select the groups that require this knowledge area and click on the Save & finish button.
- Click on the Save & add new button to add another knowledge area.
Note: System-generated knowledge area code will be displayed by default.
- The knowledge areas created will be displayed in the Knowledge areas page.
Editing the knowledge area
- Click on the Edit button to edit the knowledge area details.
Deleting the knowledge area
Click on the Delete icon to delete the knowledge area. On clicking, a confirmation message appears, where you may click on the Yes, delete button to remove the knowledge area.
Pending Approvals
The Administrator can view the approval requests when an external user signs up to Skill Lake. After the Admin’s approval, the external user can login to his account and continue their learning journey.
- The name, email id, belongs to group, role, course, status and actions that can be performed will be displayed.
- You may edit the group and role of the user.
- Click on the tick option to approve the request.
- A confirmation message appears, where you may click on the Approve button.
- Once the Administrator approves the request, the external user gets an email to set his password and login to Skill Lake. Once the external user logs to Skill Lake, his course request will be approved and can learn the course.